BrandPost: Making the Mainframe Central to Your Data Fabric Strategy

How can you have a data fabric strategy without the most valuable data in the enterprise: Mainframe data? That’s like having a dinner party without the main course.

Data management consistently ranks at the top as a key challenge faced by enterprise organizations. This reality is not surprising as data volume is growing exponentially at a compound annual rate of 23% per year through 2025, according to IDC estimates.1

The surge of data, coupled with an increasing need to generate insights for a competitive edge, opens significant opportunities for organizations with the right technology stack and architecture. Add in the fact that data is increasingly diverse, complex, and distributed across disparate mediums, and it becomes clear that traditional data management techniques fall short.

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Read more: BrandPost: Making the Mainframe Central to Your Data Fabric Strategy

Story added 19. January 2023, content source with full text you can find at link above.