10 things you should know about dark web websites

Back in the 1970s, “darknet” wasn’t an ominous term: it simply referred to networks that were isolated from the mainstream of ARPANET for security purposes. But as ARPANET became the internet and then swallowed up nearly all the other computer networks out there, the word came to identify areas that were connected to the internet but not quite of it, difficult to find if you didn’t have a map.

The so-called dark weba catch-all phrase covering the parts of the internet not indexed by search engines, is the stuff of grim legend. But like most legends, the reality is a bit more pedestrian. That’s not to say that scary stuff isn’t available on dark web websites, but some of the whispered horror stories you might’ve heard don’t make up the bulk of the transactions there.

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Read more: 10 things you should know about dark web websites

Story added 23. November 2018, content source with full text you can find at link above.